Motor Vehicle Auction License
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A Motor Vehicle Auction License includes any auction house that sells motor vehicles to dealers or the public. Automobile auctions in Tennessee are strictly wholesale, by and between licensed auto dealers and must be registered as a Motor Vehicle Auctions in Tennessee.
The applicant for a Motor Vehicle Auction must receive a compliance inspection in order to complete the licensure process and receive approval for licensure by the Motor Vehicle Commission.
- Completion of Application
- Submission of Fees
- Notarized Application
- Proof of Insurance
- Business tax License
- Financial statement
- Corporation/LLC/LLP Documents (if applicable)
- Applicant Photo ID
- Zoning compliance
- Surety Bond
- Auctioneer license
For more detailed information see Requirements.
Application Fee: $800
Biennial Renewal: $800
Late Renewal: $400
Duplicate License: $25
Auctioneer Licensure information can be found below.
Tennessee Auctioneer Commission
All licensees can renew online, but must submit proof of bond and insurance prior to approval.